The name of the organization shall be Marion United Council for Horses, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as MUCH), a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
The purpose of MUCH will be to promote all equine activities, promote and maintain access to public riding areas in Marion County (MC) and beyond, and encourage education and safety for all equestrians. As part of a private-public partnership with MC, MUCH will work cooperatively with the MC Board of County Commissioners (MCBOCC) and help to determine the equine population and its economic impact in MC, and support the equine and agricultural industries in the area.
Membership shall be open to all individuals who support the MUCH and agree to abide by the registration guidelines. To be considered a Member in Good Standing all dues and fees must be paid in full and the registration agreement signed. The Executive Board will set Dues amounts. Membership Categories are:
1. Individuals eighteen years of age or older
2. Junior Members are under eighteen years of age at the time of membership registration. Membership must be signed by a parent or legal guardian
3. Family memberships include parents or guardians and children under eighteen living in the same household.
The President’s duties are
1. To preside at all Executive Board and General Membership meetings
2. Establish committees as deemed appropriate and necessary.
Duties of the Vice President are
The duties of the Secretary are
1. Keep minutes of the Executive Board and General Membership Meetings, and have these minutes accessible to the MUCH members at all times
2. Be responsible for all correspondence
3. Perform such duties as his/her office may require
The Treasurer’s duties are to
1. Maintain and manage a bank account approved by MUCH Executive Board. This account must require two signatures on checks. The authorized signatures are the President and Treasurer
2. Collect all funds from all sources and deposit them in a timely manner into MUCH’s official bank checking account.
3. Keep a complete record of all deposits and disbursements
4. Submit a written, up to date Treasurer’s report to be approved at each meeting of the Executive Board and General Membership.
5. Submit all reports and fees as required to maintain the MUCH 501(3)c status.
The Executive Board of MUCH shall consist of Officers: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Immediate Past President, and a maximum of 7 Members at Large. All sanctioned activities and business of the MUCH will be managed under the direction of the Executive Board.
The Executive Board will meet monthly and/or at the discretion of the Board. The next meeting time will be determined at the end of each meeting and posted in the minutes. The quorum for a meeting is 6 of 9 Executive Board members present. In the event of a tie the President may cast the tie breaking vote.
The Purpose of the Advisory Committee is to provide guidance to the leadership and membership of MUCH to preserve the original vision and purpose of MUCH, while promoting necessary growth and change.
The initial Advisory Committee will consist of 7 members including the Immediate Past President and Immediate Past Vice President. Initially the Immediate Past President and Immediate Past Vice President will nominate the additional 5 members for Executive Board approval. Three Advisory Committee Members will come from the original Charter Members present at the founding of MUCH and/or previous Officers and Executive Board Members. Four community members with proven expertise and involvement in areas pertinent to the interests and values of the MUCH will complete the 7 members of the Advisory Committee.
Once established, the Advisory Committee will independently determine its leadership and structure. The residing Advisory Committee nominates incoming Advisory Committee members for the consideration of the Executive Board. The Executive Board approves all nominees with a simple majority vote.
The Advisory Committee will meet 3 times a year: prior to the Annual Membership meeting, and two other times as agreed upon by the Advisory Committee Members.
The Advisory Committee or a designated representative may sit in on all Executive Board meetings. The Advisory Board may encourage the Executive Board to develop programs, activities and make expenditures to further the long-term Purposes of the MUCH. Minutes will be taken at all Advisory Board meetings and made available to the Executive Board Members and to the General Membership.
1. The President shall appoint a Nominating Team, consisting of three members and one reserve member, in September, preceding the January meeting. The appointments are approved by the simple majority of the Executive Board. The Team works independent of Executive Board members.
2. The Nominating Team will recruit a ballot for upcoming elections. Nominations of candidates to fill positions of Officers and Board members must be approved by the sitting board.
President must be a member in good standing for 2 previous years and served on the Executive Board as an Officer or Member at Large. An Officer must be a member in good standing for 1 previous year and have shown leadership and/or active support of Horse Council Activities. Board Member at Large must be a member in good standing the previous year. MC and the MUCH reserves the right to require a background check on any person pursuing a position as an Officer, Executive Board Member, or leadership role in the MUCH.
1. Elections shall be held by secret ballot. Online voting will be managed through a secure, reputable online voting system. Those members without access to this service will be sent a paper ballot to be returned to the MUCH PO Box address
2. Voting members must be a minimum of eighteen (18) years of age and Members In Good Standing.
3. A person not directly involved with the election will be chosen by the sitting President to count any paper ballots. The results will be announced at the Annual Meeting and posted on the website,
4. All Officers shall be elected by a 51% majority of votes cast.
5. Vacancy in any office shall be filled by Presidential appointment with Executive Board approval, until the next regularly scheduled election.
1. All Officers shall be elected for a two-year term with a maximum of two consecutive terms.
(a) Elections shall be held every year alternating with voting for President and Vice President one year and voting for Treasurer and Secretary the next year. Other important issues like By Law changes will be voted on at annual Elections.
(b) The Executive Board will be nominated by the President and approved by a majority of the Officers. Members at Large serve for a minimum of 1 year. Board members may be removed for missing 3 consecutive Board meetings, depending on circumstances or prior arrangements.
2. Elected Officers may be removed from office by a 2/3-majority vote of the membership eligible to vote for cause by disciplinary proceedings as provided in Roberts Rules of Order. This vote will use the voting procedure in Article VII subsection “Elections”.
There will be one Annual Membership meeting held at the St Johns County Equestrian Center, in the first quarter of the year. A review of the previous year’s events, accomplishments, current year’s programs and plans will be presented.
Meetings, general and/or special, may be called at any time by the President, a majority of the Officers, or upon written application to the President of 25% or more members in good standing.
The Executive Board will establish dues amount. Dues become payable on or before the first day of each new membership year. To be a Member in Good Standing all dues and fees must be paid. BANKING addressed in Article IV and Treasurer #1.
Reference: ARTICLE IX. The Executive Board must approve fund Raising programs and activities. All monetary donations are to be delivered directly to the Treasurer for bank deposit. The Treasurer is responsible for issuing receipts to donors.
The Executive Board must approve all expenditures. Events and programs must submit a budget for approval by the Executive Board. Receipts for expenses must be presented to receive reimbursements.
The treasurer is responsible for all government filings including but not limited to 501(c)3 tax emption forms.
The Jeanne Romaine MUCH Scholarship Fund may be used to award scholarships for students pursuing higher education degrees in the fields of Equine studies, middle school students who have been accepted to the UF Horsemanship School, and to support school sponsored student equestrian activities, under the guidelines of the Trust.
Rules and Penalties are written and approved by the Executive Board of MUCH. Any member in good standing of MUCH may propose rule changes. These changes must be presented in writing to the Executive Board. It should include a list of MUCH members’ signatures supporting the proposal. The Executive Board must have a written response 30 days after the next Executive Board meeting explaining changes to the rule and why the proposal was accepted or rejected.
Any member in good standing may be censured, suspended or expelled from MUCH for violations of the rules of MUCH and for conduct deemed improper, dishonest or un-sportsmanlike, intemperate or prejudicial to the best interest of the St Johns equine community, MUCH and St Johns County.
1. A written statement of complaint and signed by one or more members in good standing must be submitted to the Executive Board for a review.
2. The member being sited in the complaint will be sent written notification by certified letter at least 2 weeks before the review. Those making the complaint will also be notified of the review by mail.
3. A 2/3 majority of the Executive Board quorum (Article V) is necessary to decide the action taken.
All effort will be applied to maintain confidentiality regarding anyone involved with the complaint: Individuals who filed the complaint, which are named in the complaint, are identified as having pertinent information about the complaint or Executive Board Members should not at any time during the process discuss it with other MUCH members. After the issue is resolved, the Membership will be informed of the resolution.
The Executive Board may recommend changes to the By Laws to be approved by a majority of members in good standing eligible to vote.
When not in conflict with these By Laws, Roberts Rules of Order Revised shall govern the Executive Board meetings and Membership meetings.
If at any time MUCH dissolves, funds remaining in the Treasury and other tangible assets will be distributed to organizations designated by the Executive Board providing such organizations’ purpose is consistent with the expressed purpose and intention of MUCH.
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